Proactive Advanced Care Planning: Taking Control of Your Future
Let's grab our favorite mugs filled with steaming coffee and dive into a topic that's as important as it is comforting: proactive advanced care planning.

Leading Through Grief: Strategies for Navigating Loss in a Leadership Role
As a leader, we expect ourselves to have everything under control, but the truth is, grief can feel like an overwhelming force that disrupts our everyday routine and sense of control. If you are navigating grief while in a leadership position, know that you are not alone.

Celebrating a Life: Cultural Differences in Navigating Death
Have you ever wondered why different cultures have such unique ways of celebrating and honoring the lives of their departed loved ones? It's fascinating how we all have our own rituals and traditions when it comes to navigating death.

Navigating Traumatic Grief: Support Strategies for Healing and Growth
Hey there, my compassionate and courageous friend! Grab a comfy seat and let's dive into a topic that may bring up some tough emotions but also open the door to healing and growth: traumatic grief. 🌈

It’s Okay to Cry
Did you know that crying has a scientific name? It’s called “lacrimation.” Most people haven’t heard it. Even so, every person on earth has shed tears at some time in his life. Crying is one experience that every human being has shared.

5 Coping Skills for Dealing With the Death of a Loved One
Are you trying to make your way through the death of a loved one? When a loved one dies, it can be devastating, and the feelings can be very powerful. It’s a very difficult process to deal with the loss a loved one. Luckily, there are things you can do that can help you cope.
Use the tips in this article to help you get through this terrible time.

The 5 Phases of Grief: What To Expect In Each Phase
When a loved one dies, it's not always easy for the people left behind. The death of a loved one can be a tremendously difficult experience. This article discusses the five phases of grief and what to expect in each one.

The Grieving Process: How to Understand and Process Your Loss
The phases of grief often follow a predictable pattern, but this doesn’t mean they’ll go smoothly for everyone. While you can’t change the way you feel, learning to accept and cope with your loss is necessary on the path to healing.
If you’ve experienced the loss of a loved one, you’ve likely wondered: “What is the grieving process?” and “How can I cope?” Here’s everything you need to know about the grieving process — and how to get through it.

How to Provide Comfort to Those Going Through Tough Times
When life hands you a tough situation, you may need to lean on other people for comfort. But what if you're the person that needs to provide the shoulder? It can be a difficult job since you need to be the one that stays strong for the other person.
Here are universal tips to keep in mind when you're consoling someone.

3 Crucial Steps to Healing Grief and a Broken Heart
If you’re dealing with the effects of a broken heart, you might be tempted to deny your feelings or withdraw from others so that no one can get close enough to hurt you again. However, denial and withdrawal are unproductive strategies.
Luckily, there are steps you can take to help you heal and move on, no matter how much time has passed since your break-up.